Delivery Policy
- We are committed to delivering the orders within the given deadline.
- Our regular delivery time is 24 hours.
- In case of emergency the delivery time can be as fast as 3 hours.
- In case of large batch the delivery time be longer as per your concern.
- The completed files are delivered either through our own server or via third party file transfer sites like wetransfer.
- We keep delivered files for up to 6 months.
Refund Policy
- We offer 30 days money-back guarantee.
- Normally, we don't require to refund as we accept payment once the customer is satisfied with our service.
- However, if a customer claims refund within 30 days of order delivery, we are bound to pay back 100% except the transaction cost(if any).
- The refund is applicable if our team fails to fulfill customer's requirements properly.
- In order to get refund you will have to attach the paid invoice.
- You will also require to illustrate the reason of refund clearly with the claim request.